Monday, November 29, 2010

Sentimental Journey

I put up my Christmas tree last night. It's a small, old, artificial tree but very special, in a Charlie Brown kind of way.  It only stands about 2 1/2' feet tall and it's quite tattered. I acquired it from my grandmother after she passed away back in 2001. It was a tree that she used for many years. One by one I selected and hung ornaments of sentiment and significance.  For Sue, there are ornaments of dolphins, Eskimos, angels and Dallas Cowboys. I hung ornaments from when my children were little. I hung my Snoopy bullfighter for my family in Spain. I hung ornaments from my youth. I hung the ornament that had belonged to my Uncle Jack - he passed away in 1982. With each ornament came a flood of memories. Memories of the people, places and special times that we shared together. At one moment, my living room felt full of people from my past - true Christmas spirits! It was a wonderful journey!