Friday, December 17, 2010


Definition of catharsis:
    a) a purification or purgation of emotions primarily through art
    b) a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
    c) elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression

I would have to add  d) all of the above. Yep, that's what writing does for me! I have always felt the need to write out my feelings, issues, thoughts, troubles, etc. I write about things and people that impact me. We forget how powerful words can be. They can make someone laugh. They can make someone cry. They can provoke thought and even bloodshed. They can make you fall in love. My words heal me in three ways. First: writing them down is a way of getting them out of me, freeing my mind, heart and soul of its current burden. Second: once it's on paper, I can better assess, analyze, reflect and pick it apart to look at it from various angles. Third: reading them, sometimes years later, will remind me of what I was going through at the time and that I survived it. That is a great confidence booster. I know I got through that, so I can get through this. And, if I get through this then I can get through whatever comes next. This approach has worked for me for over thirty years and I still count on it today......obviously.

There's so much that we can learn from the experiences of others and it's a shame we don't take the time to stop and share more often than we do. I guess I'm just hoping that someone might gain something from my experience.... even if it's.... what NOT to do. Hey, even that's something!