Friday, December 10, 2010

The Quilt Project

On one of my sleepless nights during the latter part of Sue's illness, I wondered what I was going to do with all her clothes?  Then, soon enough, I was faced with that challenge. I remembered that my supervisor, along with several other campus co-workers, were part of a quilting group.  I asked if they would be willing to make quilts out of Sue's clothing for her kids, grand kids and me? They generously agreed to help me transform t-shirts, dress shirts, sweatshirts and pajama pants into 3' x 4' comfort quilts. Although I do not quilt; I don't even sew so-so, I did have my work cut out for me. I had to go through all of her wearable belongings and decide what would be used for the quilts. I then had to cut perfect 12" squares (as many as I could get) out of her simple wardrobe. Then I had to decide who would get what piece and where it would be placed in the quilt. This was a very time consuming project and I'm thankful for that.  It kept me busy both mentally and physically. It took me down memory lane, recalling events, moments and places that emerged from each item. I put a lot of thought into what pieces may have special meaning to its recipient. And I certainly had to make sure that everyone got a piece of tie-dye and Dallas Cowboys! Once all those decisions were made, we (the quilting group) spent half a day adding the batting, backing and assembling the rows. Four people split the task of actually quilting a total of six quilts. The quilts went to the four grandchildren (pictured above Christmas 2009), myself and Sue's daughter. My supervisor and I made pillows out of smaller squares of clothing for Sue's son, her mom and a few close friends. It took close to three months to complete the process  - just in time for our first Christmas without Sue. The ladies from the quilting group are more than quilters and co-workers; they are very dear friends of mine. They spent their valuable time and talent to give something so special to me and my family. They helped us with purpose, healing and uplifting comfort. I can't express how much I appreciate them and the process of taking something in one form and turning it into another form. I'm proud to say that they have adopted me into their group. Now, we can wrap ourselves in fabric that once wrapped Sue. I assure you that these cuddly creations  are continually getting used and reflected upon. This was an important piece of  healing for me. Thank you again!