Monday, December 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 1999

Today is the anniversary of my first date and first kiss with Sue. In typical Kim fashion, I was the last to realize that it was a real "date".  Yes, I asked her to go with me. Yes, I brought her flowers, (insert your eye rolling here) but I am always chivalrous like that. In my mind, I was going to dinner and a concert with 3 friends. I had no idea that Sue had a crush on me. I had no idea that while I was  focusing my attention on the concert, she was focusing her attention on me. And no one was more shocked that I was when she kissed me, on the lips, after taking her back to her car that night. Wow! It was as though a lightning bolt had passed through me, from head to toe. A simple little peck on the lips was all it took. I was done. I was out for the count. This was it. She was it for me. It was a life altering moment for both of us and I mean that quite literally. I can't imagine where my life would be if she didn't have the courage to kiss me that night. I like to always try to celebrate this day for all the life altering possibilities that are out there. They are out there for all of us. Sometimes, they are sitting right next to you and you don't even know it.  Be open to the possibilities.

Pictured from left to right: Dina, Claudia, Kim & Sue
Photo dated 12-6-99